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Municipal Bond Market Update - December Edition

As we entered 2020, state and local governments by-and-large had entered the COVID-19 pandemic on...


Municipal Bond Market Update - November Edition

Investors are closely watching U.S. election results as expectations for a clear outcome dwindle....


Municipal Bond Market Update - October Edition

In a widely expected move, Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) members voted to hold interest...


Municipal Bond Market Update - September Edition

On August 27, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced a major policy shift, stating that...


Municipal Bond Market Update - August Edition

The incremental reopening of the economy and improving labor market conditions contributed...


Market News Commentary From The Desk of David Loesch

Submitted by Tax Free Municipal Bonds/Fixed Income Specialists/DRL Group on July 9th, 2020


Good Old-Fashioned Values

Owning generic, market-like portfolios has never been interesting and today it could be...


Municipal Bond Market: 2019 in Review

2019 will go down as one of the best years for fixed-income investors. Long-duration government...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: GDP Hits Four-Year High

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Jobless Claims Hits 49-Year Low

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Consumer Confidence Remains High, Despite Tariff Trouble

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Unemployment Remains Low at 4.0%

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: With Inflation Hitting Target Goal, Fed Might Raise Rates Twice in 2018

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Fed Chair Powell Expects Rates to Keep Rising

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Fed Raised Rates by 0.25%

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Fed Expected to Raise Rates Again

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Unemployment Hits 18-Year Low at 3.8%

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Trump Signs Bill to Ease Banking Regulations

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Fed Chair John Williams Using Neutral Rate as Guidance

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Jerome Powell States Fed will Act As Planned

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Fed Keeps Rates Level, While Unemployment Drops to 3.9%

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Strong Wages Data Suggests Fed Could Raise Rates Four Times

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Outgoing NY Fed Chair Dudley Expects Rates to Hit 3%

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Fed Changes Role to Neutral

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...


Municipal Bonds Weekly Market Report: Unemployment Remains at 4.1%

MunicipalBonds.com provides information regarding the performance of muni bonds for the past week...

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